
Women of NALC



Purpose of the Women of the
North American Lutheran Church


As a community of women
created in the image of God,
called to discipleship in Jesus Christ
and empowered by the Holy Spirit,
we commit ourselves to
grow in faith,
affirm our gifts,
support one another in our callings,
engage in ministry and action,
and promote healing and wholeness
in the church, the society, and the world.


The Women of Zion Lutheran Church meet monthly to plan programs, Bible Studies, socials and more for the Zion Women of the NALC.



2024 Officers of Zion Women

President, Nora Staunton, 419-394-8894 (2021-24)

President, Jeanne Wurster (2025-2026)

Vice-President,  Rhonda Weaver

Secretary, Sandy Wierwille, 419-629-2015 (2021-24)

Secretary, Pam Fledderjohann (2025-2026)

Treasurer, Dianne Uhlenhake, (2024-20250

Spiritual Growth, Rebecca Harvey, 419-394-8291

Mission Community, Chris White, 419-977-2220

Mission Action, Chris White, 419-977-2220

Advisor, Linda Yahl, 419-394-8020

Family Care, Rebecca Harvey, 419-394-8020

Family Care, Doris Cook, 567-644-5873

Women's Council Officers 2025:

Chair, Jeanne Wurster (2025-26) & Flower Ministry

Vice-Chair, Rhonda Weaver (2024-25)

Secretary, Pam Fledderjohann (2025-26)

Treasurer, Dianne Uhlenhake (2024-25)

Spiritual Growth, Rebecca Harvey, 419-394-8291

Mission Community, Chris White, 419-977-2220

Mission Action, Chris White, 419-977-2220

Advisor, Linda Yahl, 419-394-8020

Kitchen Ministry, Kathy Bishir

Family Care Ministry, Doris Cook, 567-644-5873

Family Care Ministry, Rebecca Harvey, 419-394-8020

Prayer Shawl Ministry, Kathy Bishir

Altar Guild Ministry, Cheryl Macklem

Cards to Shut-In Ministry, Cheryl Macklem




